I'm going to be setting up a 33 gal. soon, for a client.
Lighting is 2 x HO T5, 1.5wpg.
Substrate will be Tropica Plant Substrate and inert 1-2mm gravel. So quite nutrient poor until established.
Plants - Crypts, ferns, Anubias and Vallisneria nana. Low fish load.
I'll be dosing Tropica Plant Nutrition+ that contains N and P and regular dosing of 'Excel' (Easylife EasyCarbo) instead of CO2.
Water is soft so may need GH booster, especially for Vallis?
What dosing (Tropica+, Excel (and GH booster?)) and water change regime would you recommend, please?
Lighting is 2 x HO T5, 1.5wpg.
Substrate will be Tropica Plant Substrate and inert 1-2mm gravel. So quite nutrient poor until established.
Plants - Crypts, ferns, Anubias and Vallisneria nana. Low fish load.
I'll be dosing Tropica Plant Nutrition+ that contains N and P and regular dosing of 'Excel' (Easylife EasyCarbo) instead of CO2.
Water is soft so may need GH booster, especially for Vallis?
What dosing (Tropica+, Excel (and GH booster?)) and water change regime would you recommend, please?