Added to the fish food perhaps, no, there's not going to be any observable effect I'm aware of.
Hormones, but that's very debatable for aquatic plants. ADA mkaes such claims, but using rooting hormones and pure lab grade hormones for
Tissue culture did not really do much, I really cannot see how a wide range of sub optimal conditions in our tanks, that the hormones are really going to help improve vegeative growth growth.
Mike Kane at UF, a good personal friend of mine is the world;'s leading TC expert.
If you come to the next year's plant fest, you can meet him and see what he's doing with aquatics and tissue cultures.
Then you'll know more than anyone on any forum unless they are working in research doing TC for aquatic plants.
Which is virtually no one on the forums I've met other than Claus from Tropica or Brad and his son from FAN etc(who both took classes from Dr Kane.).
Ah, but what do I know?
I repeated some test Dr Kane did on Crypts, found and concluded the same thing.
Tom Barr