The tank is 120Gal(5X2X1.5).I'm running 4X96watt 6700K lights 10Hrs a day with injected CO2 dissolved through a "power reactor" I bought from Aquabotanic. My drop checker's reading Green by the afternoon (4 bubbles per second) with a homemade 4KH solution. My water comes out of the tap with a GH of 13 German Degrees and a KH of 9 German Degrees. For filtration, 2 fluval 405's. I'm dosing NPK and CSM+B with full EI concentrations. M,W,F,Sat NPK and T,Th,S CSM+B. The setup's been running for about a year and a half with eco-complete substrate. The algae problem has been pretty steady. I've always had some diatoms on the glass and older sword plant leaves, and I'm just recently getting some beard algae on some of my crypts. The fish in the tank are 10 discus, 8 corys, 4 loaches, 10 dwarf corys. I plan to add about 20 apisto's soon. I also feed my discus probally 3 times a day, each time using a whole frozen food cube (beefheart, brine shrimp, ect.)
The tank is planted pretty heavily with swords, crypts, hygro, pygmy chain sword, dwarf val, java fern, christmas moss, and stargrass. I am still having trouble growing microsword, but the pygmy chain sword is doing great. I've only had it for 2 weeks and its sent out 4 runners! The crypts and swords are doing well, despite the algae. The stargrass is having trouble growing upwards but is forming a good bush. I bought this plant from wal-mart that I thought to be narrow leaf hygro, but I'm not so sure now, and it's growing like a weed. So what I'm trying to say is that I'm getting pretty good growth, but I'm still having algae troubles. Today I plucked off all the leaves with algae, and scrubbed the glass. I'll try to post some pictures of the setup.
My CO2 comes on when the lights come on. Should it come on earlier to get the CO2 levels up before the photoperiod starts?