Do i need to add more plants?


Junior Poster
Oct 25, 2007
This is my 20g long. I'm gonna remove the power head soon. I was thinking in adding some background plants but I don't know what. Maybe blyxa? or should I leave it the way it is? What do you guys think?

Open to all suggestions



Plant Guru Team
Lifetime Member
Sep 23, 2007
South Florida
How about some of the taller Crypto species? Many have olive/brown/reddish leaves that I think would contrast well. C. Wendti or Undulatus might look good there. Sorry, I love Crypts...

Or, Rotala macran, or some of the Ludwigia species would like nice.

Or, how about vallisneria or sagittaria for the back if you want to keep shades of green......

I have no exp with some of the more 'delicate' red/brown stem plants, so I cannot advise too much there.....

Nice tank BTW......

You may want to trim the foreground a little to make them shorter. The nice mountain will stand out a little more.....

Good luck!

Tom Barr

Staff member
Jan 23, 2005
This is what I'd suggest:

Mow the lawn!

Trim the hair grass to about 3-4 cm.
Even all the way across.

Do not worry, it's a grass just like the grass outside in a lawn and it will grow back.
Use some decent size scissors, hair cutting scissors tend to work well.

You can trim the moss to your choosing and shape.

You can also add some manzanita branches or similar twigs/branches coming out from the behind the moss mound.

Behind this, perhaps a nice fine needle red plant etc, say L arucata etc.
Up to you really.

You can also pull the front edge back so you slope the gravel front to back, you can also trim the lawn to keep it short in the frotn and taller in the rear to yield a similar effect.

What you do here is up to you as far as scaping, but simple tanks are very nice and show more discpline.

Tom Barr

Tom Barr

Staff member
Jan 23, 2005
This is what I'd suggest:

Mow the lawn!

Trim the hair grass to about 3-4 cm.
Even all the way across.

Do not worry, it's a grass just like the grass outside in a lawn and it will grow back.
Use some decent size scissors, hair cutting scissors tend to work well.

You can trim the moss to your choosing and shape.

You can also add some manzanita branches or similar twigs/branches coming out from the behind the moss mound.

Behind this, perhaps a nice fine needle red plant etc, say L arucata etc.
Up to you really.

You can also pull the front edge back so you slope the gravel front to back, you can also trim the lawn to keep it short in the front and taller in the rear to yield a similar effect.

What you do here is up to you as far as scaping, but simple tanks are very nice and show more discipline.

Tom Barr