scottward;40526 said:Tom, I guess I must be one of those folks that fall for the marketting and deserve what I get.
I know what you mean and know you didn't mean it as something to take personally.
People that fall for phoney diet pills, fortune tellers etc, and intelligent people (like me) who buy specialised aquarium products aren't the same thing!
So far it would seem that the bulk of contributors to this thread agree with me.
Obviously doesn't matter what we're talking about, be it aquarium supplies, cars, kitchen appliances etc etc.
Sometimes I think the manufacturer can get away with it, other times they can't.
It seems in this case AM really just get away with it because all I can really do is take the product back, not worth trying to sue them over their false claims. And, to be honest, I'd rather just figure out how to make the best of it anyway, now that I have it hooked up. It was only a $100 odd bucks, if it were $1000's it would be a different story, much more worth going after.
Part of the problem here is the old usual thing that we on this forum are so used to now, claims about this and that with no testing or supporting information to back up the claims.
More the principle of it for me now, rather than the actual cost.
If my wfie and I buy something and it doesn't do what we expect it to do, based on the manufacturers claims, we 'vote' by taking it back. Over the last 12 months or so, my wife and I have taken lots of things back to where we bought them from for a refund. Lots of things just don't do what they say they can do and often don't make it past the 12 month warranty!
Lot of crap out there.
Manfacturers should be able to justify their claims. There should be something to protect the people so we are the ones that have to fork out the $10,000 to sue the companies. If a product doesn't work, we lodge a complaint, it should get investigated by somebody, arses should be kicked. ;-)
Again, don't care so much about the $100 AM unit, just the principle of it....
I'm no mug. I expected the claims from AM to be *slightly* hyped, but not grossly hyped. That's not fair.
Well, you can talk to me in person in about 1.5 weeks
See Leo, it'll be a demo Friday after the ANFAG meet in Sydney.
Tom Barr