The only place I've ever really had BBA is on the plastic parts of my filter system sitting in my tank. If I cleaned these parts more often than every 6 months, I probably wouldn't even get that.
I have only "mopani" type driftwood in my tanks. That stuff can sit out in the full light for months and has never had an inkling of algae. I have no plecos, so if I had to guess: My nerite snails spend quite a bit of time on my driftwood -- they may be doing the job for me. This is in both CO2 (high light) and non-CO2 (low light) tanks. I personally only need about 1 nerite per 10G or so, which is fairly light stocking. They will also keep your glass sparkling clear. I have a 10G non-CO2 that gets direct sun at times during the day. My glass was turning nice and green at one point, pretty much everywhere ... put a few nerites in there, and it was gone in a few days and stayed gone.
I also have Otos, which I believe get many algaes before you even see them -- they seem to get the algaes at the invisible "scum" stage. I haven't seen the Otos spend much time on the driftwood, however. I'm not sure, but these things (mine, at least) may be nocturnal -- they are staying healthy, but I almost never see them doing anything but hanging there.