CSM+B vs. Tropica Master Grow vs. Seachem Trace


Lifetime Charter Member
Lifetime Member
May 4, 2006
I have a good amount of CSM+B mix from Greg Watson. I have read on here that Tom and others prefer Tropica Master Grow (TMG). But what is the big difference? How does Seachem’s Flourish Trace fit into this picture? I have read recommendations for Seachem’s Flourish, but not much about their Trace product.

I am having trouble figuring out the “best” micro/traces to use. Am I missing anything using CSM+B that I should make up otherwise somehow?

Also, out of curiosity, who sells TMG anyway? I have never come across it anywhere.



Lifetime Charter Member
Lifetime Member
Jan 24, 2005
Sacramento, CA
TMG is now called Tropica Plant Nutrition Liquid, and Big Al's sells it. I tried a bottle and couldn't see any difference from the CSM+B I was and now use. But, Tom finds it works better and others agree. I haven't heard anything bad about Flourish, but Flourish Trace is, I think, just a weaker Flourish solution. Flourish is a trace element mix.


Lifetime Charter Member
Lifetime Member
May 4, 2006
I was planning on just using the CSM+B I have, as why waste it, unless there was amazingly different and better about the Tropica product(s). Thanks, Vaughn, I'll just use what I have on hand. Although I'm curious to set up a controlled test sometime and compare the two when I get better at growing my aquatic macrophytes. :)

Crazy Loaches

Guru Class Expert
Nov 20, 2006
I figured this fit into the same topic so I'll add it here versus making a new thread.

What are the dosing rate equivilents between Tropica, Flourish, and CSM+B?

What I mean is on my 75G EI called for 1/4 tsp CSM+B. What would that be in Flourish or TPN? Is Flourish or TPN equal?

My main question is between Flourish and TPN, since I recently came across some info that seemed to point out a large difference between them. As per Tom's suggestions I have 5L TPN. But I already have a 2L Flourish since the TPN was out of stock at the time. And I've already been using the Flourish so want to finish that up first. Now on my 240g I derived dosing from Tom's high fish load and EI thread, and dose 60ml per day. This sounded like a lot. After reading the label on Flourish it suggests I should be dosing 20ml once or twice a week. Even going with the later twice a week, I am still dosing 10X the recommended amount. Is Flourish more concentrated that TPN? Being the amount of traces I am going through it would be beneficial for me to find this out :). Plus on other forums I see folks often dosing 'per the directions' with Flourish with EI and high light which could potentially be not very much if what I am [over]dosing is right.

[edit] found that link to a comparison between them, Fertilizer Comparison

Tom Barr

Staff member
Jan 23, 2005
Both sets of recommendations and this comes from both Claus C. and Greg M., those suggestions are for non CO2 planted tanks, they are not for CO2 enriched higher light, packed tanks.

1x a week for a non CO2 tank is fine.

If you amplify growth 10X using CO2, then expect to use 10X more ferts.
Maybe you do not need quite that much.
So you taper off a little and watch the plants.
You need to be careful, when this is done, you must ensure you do not get confounding interactions from say poor CO2, or NO3, or you forgot to dose for 3 days etc, the filter is clogged etc etc etc............

Tom Barr

Crazy Loaches

Guru Class Expert
Nov 20, 2006
Well my main concern was how equivelent the dose is between TMG and Flourish... I based my dosing off your suggestions and using TMG. However I have a 2L of Flourish to use up first... is it appropriate to dose the same for either or is there a conversion factor of sorts?