For the last two years a had a stable population of crs's(about 30 a 40) but the last month's the population decreased until 5 species. I use presurized co2 , but my fish are fine so my shrimps also should be. The only thing i changed last months is that i use only tap water, directly in the tank when i do waterchanges. Prior to this i used half reversed osmosis and half tap.
some waterparameters:
ph 6.4, kh 3 gh 10 ammonia 0, no3 30ppm, po4 3 ppm, Fe 0.5-1.0,
What do i have to do to get them breeding again( i don't see the females carying eggs anymore).
For the last two years a had a stable population of crs's(about 30 a 40) but the last month's the population decreased until 5 species. I use presurized co2 , but my fish are fine so my shrimps also should be. The only thing i changed last months is that i use only tap water, directly in the tank when i do waterchanges. Prior to this i used half reversed osmosis and half tap.
some waterparameters:
ph 6.4, kh 3 gh 10 ammonia 0, no3 30ppm, po4 3 ppm, Fe 0.5-1.0,
What do i have to do to get them breeding again( i don't see the females carying eggs anymore).