Re: Copper Sulfate - How long does it take?
What a difference a day makes...
Pretty good wipeout on the green fuzz, but not total so now I've got mutant fuzz. Some dark patches on the green dust, but no strong effect there. There's been a couple of misfires/meltdowns on new bud tips on the cabomba furcata, dunno if it's related to the copper.
According to the Coppersafe product info, the tank is now at 1.5 - 2.0ppm total copper. (They give the big spread, dunno why.) In some posts that date back to 1998, Neil Frank posted on APD that the copper sensitivity levels of various algaes were known and published. I've googled a variety of search terms and I can't find that info. Any clues where to look?
EDIT: BTW, the Coppersafe renders the AP PO4 test kit useless. It now reads a value off the dark end - 20+, when I know it's about 2.