I ran my 29 gallon tank with a Eheim diffuser supplying CO2 directly into the tank. I had plants growing well, but was intrigued by the idea of the CO2 mist method, so I changed my Fluval outlet to a vertical spray bar spraying along the back, and moved the diffuser directly under it. Now, about a week later, I have a problem: my plants grow so fast and big I don't think I can possibly keep them trimmed enough. I have mostly water sprite, Hygrophilia difformis, and a little Ludwigia. The first two are the rapid growers. So, it appears that I need to gradually switch to slower growing, less weedy plants. Right now I have an e. parviflorus v.tropica and lobelia cardinalis (small form) on order. What other slower, less weedy plants could substitute for the water sprite and h. difformis I have? I enjoy good plant growth, but come on now.........