I've been an aquarium hobbyist for many years, but I've always had simple 30g-55g tanks with tropical fish and fake plants/rocks. Early this year I decided to give the live plants a shot after I bought a new 130g tank. Recently I decided to start the tank from scratch to rid myself of the mistakes I've made when I started.
As far as hardware goes I think I'm pretty good, but right now I am learning another lesson and that is dosing the right amount of Macro and Micro ferts/nutrients. Unfortunately, my first source of knowledge is my LFS plant guy. While I think he knows his stuff, it is obvious that the knowledge on a forum like this is incomparable.
So here's where I'm at, I restarted my tank 3 weeks ago. By that I mean I emptied the tank to the glass shell and cleaned everything, except my filter which is full of bacteria. I added new substrate which is a mix of Fluorite red on the bottom and a layer of black Eco-Complete on top of that with a total depth of about 4". I placed plant fert tabs every 4-5" in the substrate. I planted a good amount of plants, see pic below.
I'm running an automated CO2 system with PH controller, set to 6.4 PH. I was leaving the PH/CO2 running 24hrs and my lights (260w for 130g) running 12hrs with no issues to the fish.
For dosing I've only been feeding the plants Seachem Plant Fundamentals-3 Pack, which are Flourish, Flourish Iron and Flourish Excel as per the dosing instruction on the bottle. I do a 40% water change every weekend and dose as the bottle says and that is per my LFS guy.
Things were going great for a few weeks all the plants have doubled in size, now here comes...Algae. It started with this brown muck stuff that seemed to make the tank look dirty. I could wave some water by it and it would get stirred up into the water. Next I started getting green/brown misty algae on the glass that I would scrape with my magnet scrapper. Then in a matter of a couple days my Amazon swords had thick furry green algae on them. I bought an army of those Oto-catfish to eat the algae but they spend all their time sucking on the glass and not the plants.
Plants were dying left and right, each day there would be hand full of plants floating on top of the water, it’s like the bottom of the stem was rotted away. Now, I've told I was dosing too much Iron, I've been told I wasn't dosing enough, I been told I have too little CO2 or too much. I honestly don't know who to believe or what to do, that's why I'm here. I came across Greg Watson's website during my online research and that led me here. I am ready to purchase what I need as far as Macro/Micro either dry or wet fertilizers. I have taken Bio & Organic Chemistry in college so I am very familiar with all the products and measuring them, I am just not sure of dosing amounts and schedule.
Here's is all my equipment and water levels:
130 gallon Tank
20" deep
2 x All-Glass Heater-200 Watt
Eheim 2028 Professional II Canister Filter
50/50 mix 4" deep:
Carib Sea Eco-Complete (Black) on top
Seachem Fluorite (Red) on bottom
48" Coralife Freshwater Aqualight
Double Linear Strip Compact Fluorescent Fixture
4X 65W = 260W Total
So that’s 2w per gallon, light ballast sits right on top of the glass, tank is 20" deep.
15# CO2 bottle
CO2 Pressure Regulator w/Solenoid
Aqualine Bubble Counter
Maxi-Jet Powerhead 1200
CO2 Reactor 1000
Pinpoint pH Controller
Seachem Plant Fundamentals-3 Pack
(Flourish, Flourish Iron, Flourish Excel)
(I only use tap water for water changes)
PH= 6.4
KH= 6
A few Discus, Tetras, Loaches, Hatchets, Snails
Food: Little pinch of flakes (has some phosphate in it I found out) and Bloodworms as the main dish.
Picture before algae attack:
So yesterday, after reading some information on here, I pruned the leaves that had the heavy green algae on them, I vacuumed out as much of the brown algae out as I could and did a 50% water change. I put my conditioners in the water and turned on my air bubbler and turned the CO2 down to nothing and completely covered the tank to black it out. I am planning a 3 day black out right now, so I have 2 days to go. When the black out is over I would like to be prepared with proper dosing, light and CO2 levels.
CO2 levels, I calculated to be 70 ppm this is based on an online calculator with a PH of 6.4 and a KH of 6. I know it seems high but this is all I have to go on right now.
Now I’ve read online that since my Nitrates are always 0 that has opened the door for Algae. From what I understand they should be 10-20?
Is there set formula out there that says if your tank is xxx gallons and heavily planted with CO2 injection then use these chemicals on this schedule? This is what I need, some kind of suggestion to make my tank really shine!
Thank you to everyone in advance for your help!!
I've been an aquarium hobbyist for many years, but I've always had simple 30g-55g tanks with tropical fish and fake plants/rocks. Early this year I decided to give the live plants a shot after I bought a new 130g tank. Recently I decided to start the tank from scratch to rid myself of the mistakes I've made when I started.
As far as hardware goes I think I'm pretty good, but right now I am learning another lesson and that is dosing the right amount of Macro and Micro ferts/nutrients. Unfortunately, my first source of knowledge is my LFS plant guy. While I think he knows his stuff, it is obvious that the knowledge on a forum like this is incomparable.
So here's where I'm at, I restarted my tank 3 weeks ago. By that I mean I emptied the tank to the glass shell and cleaned everything, except my filter which is full of bacteria. I added new substrate which is a mix of Fluorite red on the bottom and a layer of black Eco-Complete on top of that with a total depth of about 4". I placed plant fert tabs every 4-5" in the substrate. I planted a good amount of plants, see pic below.
I'm running an automated CO2 system with PH controller, set to 6.4 PH. I was leaving the PH/CO2 running 24hrs and my lights (260w for 130g) running 12hrs with no issues to the fish.
For dosing I've only been feeding the plants Seachem Plant Fundamentals-3 Pack, which are Flourish, Flourish Iron and Flourish Excel as per the dosing instruction on the bottle. I do a 40% water change every weekend and dose as the bottle says and that is per my LFS guy.
Things were going great for a few weeks all the plants have doubled in size, now here comes...Algae. It started with this brown muck stuff that seemed to make the tank look dirty. I could wave some water by it and it would get stirred up into the water. Next I started getting green/brown misty algae on the glass that I would scrape with my magnet scrapper. Then in a matter of a couple days my Amazon swords had thick furry green algae on them. I bought an army of those Oto-catfish to eat the algae but they spend all their time sucking on the glass and not the plants.
Plants were dying left and right, each day there would be hand full of plants floating on top of the water, it’s like the bottom of the stem was rotted away. Now, I've told I was dosing too much Iron, I've been told I wasn't dosing enough, I been told I have too little CO2 or too much. I honestly don't know who to believe or what to do, that's why I'm here. I came across Greg Watson's website during my online research and that led me here. I am ready to purchase what I need as far as Macro/Micro either dry or wet fertilizers. I have taken Bio & Organic Chemistry in college so I am very familiar with all the products and measuring them, I am just not sure of dosing amounts and schedule.
Here's is all my equipment and water levels:
130 gallon Tank
20" deep
2 x All-Glass Heater-200 Watt
Eheim 2028 Professional II Canister Filter
50/50 mix 4" deep:
Carib Sea Eco-Complete (Black) on top
Seachem Fluorite (Red) on bottom
48" Coralife Freshwater Aqualight
Double Linear Strip Compact Fluorescent Fixture
4X 65W = 260W Total
So that’s 2w per gallon, light ballast sits right on top of the glass, tank is 20" deep.
15# CO2 bottle
CO2 Pressure Regulator w/Solenoid
Aqualine Bubble Counter
Maxi-Jet Powerhead 1200
CO2 Reactor 1000
Pinpoint pH Controller
Seachem Plant Fundamentals-3 Pack
(Flourish, Flourish Iron, Flourish Excel)
(I only use tap water for water changes)
PH= 6.4
KH= 6
A few Discus, Tetras, Loaches, Hatchets, Snails
Food: Little pinch of flakes (has some phosphate in it I found out) and Bloodworms as the main dish.
Picture before algae attack:
So yesterday, after reading some information on here, I pruned the leaves that had the heavy green algae on them, I vacuumed out as much of the brown algae out as I could and did a 50% water change. I put my conditioners in the water and turned on my air bubbler and turned the CO2 down to nothing and completely covered the tank to black it out. I am planning a 3 day black out right now, so I have 2 days to go. When the black out is over I would like to be prepared with proper dosing, light and CO2 levels.
CO2 levels, I calculated to be 70 ppm this is based on an online calculator with a PH of 6.4 and a KH of 6. I know it seems high but this is all I have to go on right now.
Now I’ve read online that since my Nitrates are always 0 that has opened the door for Algae. From what I understand they should be 10-20?
Is there set formula out there that says if your tank is xxx gallons and heavily planted with CO2 injection then use these chemicals on this schedule? This is what I need, some kind of suggestion to make my tank really shine!
Thank you to everyone in advance for your help!!