Tank has been running for about 3-4 months. 20 gallon tall tank with a Coralife Aqualight 65 watt 6700k bulb that is on for 8 hours. I have a flourite substrate mixed in with a little bit of gravel as a filler. (The gravel is white and really shows off algae) I use dry ferts which are KNO3, KH2PO4, and Plantex CSM+B using EI method. And it seems that since i started EI dosing I have had bad algae growth with lots of new kinds of algae. The owner at my lfs thinks I'm OD'ing ferts way too much. He is also a marine biologist and he has tons of knowledge. It seemed to make sense to me. I have 3 otocinclus and one rubber lip pleco.( only gets about 5 inch max) Water changes before EI were 25 to 50 percent every week or 2. Now with EI its 50 percent one a week, every sunday. I have an Aquaclear 50 HOB and diy co2 that is diffused through a fluval plus 1 internal filter that also provides some circulation in the tank. I dont disinfect the plants before going in the tank and i really dont know how. My PH is 6.8 to 6.6 usually with 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite and about 20 to 30 ppms of nitrates from EI dosing. KH is 5 and GH is about 11. I have GDA and small green hairs and fuzz that grows all over the glass, GSA on the glass and also on some anubias nana leaves and some ozelot sword leaves, brown algae that is hard to remove all over the substrate(the otos dont remove it), I used to have diatoms but otos rid the tank of it, and recently have a couple of these brown balls of dust like or hair like build up and some of the stem plants. I have a few crypt wendtii red, an amazon sword that is small and wont grow, I big ozelot sword that just finished producing 6 babies, four of which made it and were planted in a smaller tank i have, i have two corkscrew val, a couple stems of rotala magenta, rotala indica ( which doesnt look good compared to my other harder rotala, go figure), and some rotala macrandra. I also have a couple small patches of dwarf hair grass that has some strands that browned but it also made some bright green new strands. About 12 stems of anacharis that i recently added to add some plant biomass to the tank to try to help, and a small stem of hornwort that will grow fast and a huge bush but i constantly trim it back down to one stem because it gets too big and it gathers lots of debris and some diatoms it appears but otos wont eat it on the hornwort. And i also have a small piece of driftwood that my anubias nana attached itself to.
Should i just massively clean the tank or blackout? I'm willing to accept i messed up an just remove all the plants and fish and gravel vac and scrub the tank. Then just add the fish and plants again and try again.
I don't know what the problem is. Should i just rebuild the whole tank and vacuum it ridiculously? That is biggest problem, the substrate. It has SOO much brown algae that the otos wont eat and too much organic matter and detritus.
Should i just massively clean the tank or blackout? I'm willing to accept i messed up an just remove all the plants and fish and gravel vac and scrub the tank. Then just add the fish and plants again and try again.
I don't know what the problem is. Should i just rebuild the whole tank and vacuum it ridiculously? That is biggest problem, the substrate. It has SOO much brown algae that the otos wont eat and too much organic matter and detritus.