CF lighting dilema


Junior Poster
Jul 13, 2008
Hello all

this is my 1st post and after reading alot realized i need to stop fooling myself with my 80 Watt 48in T12 shoplight i was using on 5ft 110 tank. So i ordered a new 2x96W CF fixture...

the problem is i cant find a 96W 6700K STRAIGHT PIN bulb all im finding is 10000K or square pin. Im new to this so i dont know many sites so forgive me if it's a common bulb.

could i install square pin into a straight fixture? is there some sort of adapter i could install?

please point me in the right direction
Thanks alot


Plant Guru Team
Lifetime Member
Sep 23, 2007
South Florida
Hi Mike,

I know of no adaptor that exists. You would have to change the fixture to take a different pin config.

i need to stop fooling myself with my 80 Watt 48in T12 shoplight i was using on 5ft 110 tank. So i ordered a new 2x96W CF fixture...

Fooling yourself on what? I have a 45 gal using just 60 watts of regular floro tubes and get good growth with no algae. However, this is a low tech tank.

What kind of tank do you want to get with this new fixture? Are you adding c02 or nutrients at all?

What type of CF fixture did you get?

the problem is i cant find a 96W 6700K STRAIGHT PIN bulb all im finding is 10000K or square pin

Many folk have used 10k bulbs. A lot of it is personal choice. I used 14k before I switched to 6500k, mainly because I didn't like the bluish tint.

Is there a specific reason to want a 6700k bulb?

Hope this helps.


Junior Poster
Jul 13, 2008
thanks for the replies

Mooner thanks but i did check that site out and sadly the 96watt bulbs are all square pin config..:(
yes it comes with dual 10000K bulbs

Gerry D

well i didn't think the 80 watts over a 110 would cut it and i do not use c02
all i have is Java fern and moss and a bunch of anubias i know there "low light" but honostely i thought i was more in the "no light" range :p as for dosing im not sure yet.

2 reasons i'd like 6700K one is because of the fish im planning on stocking which can be light sensitive and my second was, well i thought you getter better plant growth

so was my upgrade pointless can i grow java fern/moss and anubias in .72WPG?


Junior Poster
Jul 13, 2008
Thank you SOOOO much Jdowns i knew there had to be more lighting websites out there i found what i want ill be sure to update


Plant Guru Team
Lifetime Member
Sep 23, 2007
South Florida
so was my upgrade pointless can i grow java fern/moss and anubias in .72WPG?

Fer sure you can grow these plants at this light level. Pointless is hard to say, as it is personal.

If you are not adding c02 and ferts, you can definitely grow the plants you mention with the shoplight you have.

Plants will grow, but slowly...........


Guru Class Expert
Jun 8, 2007
10,000K is just fine, unless you don't like the look of the light. It tends to show up reds very brilliantly, so if you have red fish, go for it. :) I love the way it shows up my neons and koi angelfish. You won't find any significant difference in plant growth between 10,000K and 6500K, it's pretty much just aesthetics.


Lifetime Charter Member
Lifetime Member
Jul 15, 2008
My fixture uses the 96 watt CF bulbs, also. I get mine from Big Al's and also from Thses are 6700 K and straight pin configuration.