Hey all,
I would be interested in hearing from anyone who runs inline canisters like OC or NC in series?
Current setup:
I have an NC 533 (30 sq ft 25 micron). Mazzei 384 venturi currently is on the secondary T leg and runs parallel with the 533.
PanWorld PS250 pump at 1950 gph with 45' head. Not sure of the PSI rating of this pump. Have looked at their website and plenty of specs, but
nothing that says it produces N PSI??? Anyone with this info and can share, would appreciate it!
1" output lines all around from pump until the end loop combination back to twin 3/4 outlets.
Pressure readings:
1. With the venturi valve CLOSED, and the NC valve and pump outlet valve OPEN, all flow to NC, guage reads 11 PSI.
2. With the venturi valve OPEN, same as above. Expected.
3. I currently keep the NC at 6-7 PSI. The rest goes to the venturi.
Option 1:
Adding an NC model 522 which is 18sq ft but 100 micron. This would go PRIOR to the 533 as a pre-filter.
Option 2:
Install a bio-canister model 547 AFTER the 533.
Now add a venturi to the equation:
Option 3:
Run either of the new filters PRIOR to the venturi and continue to let the 533 run on the parallel leg.
I am more reluctant on option 3, as I do not really want to decrease pressure to the venturi. Only reason I consider it, is the two models above seem to be higher flow and will hopefully require less pressure to run. This would then affect the venturi pressure less.
1. If the PSI full to the NC is 11, and then I send 6 to the NC, does this mean that I get the other 5 to the venturi? It is off a T leg at 1" and controlled by the valve just PRIOR to the NC.
2. Based on these readings, do I have enough to do what I want?
All thoughts are welcome.
I would be interested in hearing from anyone who runs inline canisters like OC or NC in series?
Current setup:
I have an NC 533 (30 sq ft 25 micron). Mazzei 384 venturi currently is on the secondary T leg and runs parallel with the 533.
PanWorld PS250 pump at 1950 gph with 45' head. Not sure of the PSI rating of this pump. Have looked at their website and plenty of specs, but
nothing that says it produces N PSI??? Anyone with this info and can share, would appreciate it!
1" output lines all around from pump until the end loop combination back to twin 3/4 outlets.
Pressure readings:
1. With the venturi valve CLOSED, and the NC valve and pump outlet valve OPEN, all flow to NC, guage reads 11 PSI.
2. With the venturi valve OPEN, same as above. Expected.
3. I currently keep the NC at 6-7 PSI. The rest goes to the venturi.
Option 1:
Adding an NC model 522 which is 18sq ft but 100 micron. This would go PRIOR to the 533 as a pre-filter.
Option 2:
Install a bio-canister model 547 AFTER the 533.
Now add a venturi to the equation:
Option 3:
Run either of the new filters PRIOR to the venturi and continue to let the 533 run on the parallel leg.
I am more reluctant on option 3, as I do not really want to decrease pressure to the venturi. Only reason I consider it, is the two models above seem to be higher flow and will hopefully require less pressure to run. This would then affect the venturi pressure less.
1. If the PSI full to the NC is 11, and then I send 6 to the NC, does this mean that I get the other 5 to the venturi? It is off a T leg at 1" and controlled by the valve just PRIOR to the NC.
2. Based on these readings, do I have enough to do what I want?
All thoughts are welcome.