Greetings, Great site and I need your help. Out of all the tanks in our house, Wifey wants me to convert a 72g Bow into a full blown planted tank (its close to her perch on the sofa) She wanted to convert the 125g but that's not happening, and a little large for our first attempt. Now Im just and old school fish farmer, I havent seen a test kit in years (just a little taste tells me all I need to know) so all of this is over my head, but I am reading and learning lots...
Back to the project, 72g all glass with the built in corner overflow unit with a Amiracle trickle/wet/dry filter/sump. I rounded up two Coralife FW double 48 T-5 strips with 6700k's and Colormax full spectrums. At 28 watts@bulb that should give me1 1.5 wpg. I plan on using Aquasoil for substrate, with a small gravel cap.
Will the lighting I have available be adequate or ????
I have been told I cant do this with the wetdry, that I wont have enough CO2 avail for plant and that a CO2 system wont work as it will be lost in the sump. is this accurate? Has anyone ever converted a canister with this type of overflow?? OR has anyone had success/luck when using the above W/D? can it work if I cap the sump?? Thank you for your suggestions and assistance, in advance..
Back to the project, 72g all glass with the built in corner overflow unit with a Amiracle trickle/wet/dry filter/sump. I rounded up two Coralife FW double 48 T-5 strips with 6700k's and Colormax full spectrums. At 28 watts@bulb that should give me1 1.5 wpg. I plan on using Aquasoil for substrate, with a small gravel cap.
Will the lighting I have available be adequate or ????
I have been told I cant do this with the wetdry, that I wont have enough CO2 avail for plant and that a CO2 system wont work as it will be lost in the sump. is this accurate? Has anyone ever converted a canister with this type of overflow?? OR has anyone had success/luck when using the above W/D? can it work if I cap the sump?? Thank you for your suggestions and assistance, in advance..