That's their advice?
Can you see an issue with like..........as in immediately?
Is WPG the best metric to measure light????
You cannot even suggest or argue any of this without having some comparable units.
I would suggest that if the units are comparable(which they are not above), then the relative growth total's per day would be close.
But is that the goal?
Why run things shorter photo peroids when you add more light?
In other words, why are you adding higher light to begin with?
Why do you add high light? => The question and the advice should START there.
So why do we add high light?
Well, faster rates of growth, when you stop adding high light, there's no growth, same as if you add low light and then stop.
The rates of growth are different, but the total will be the same.
I'm not so sure that the goal when people add high light??????????
Most add more light for faster and more total growth, not to have the same amount of growth they do with less less.
That's dumb.
Just use 1/2 the light and get to see the fish/plants for 12 hours.
That way you get far more light use efficiency, over the same time peroid and with less equipment. Also, there's much less demand for nutrients/CO2 during that time frame than trying to cram it all into 6 hours.
Why not add 6w/gal and cram it all into 4 hours? Or 8w/gal and in 2-3?
I use 1.5-2w/gal as T5/PC and use 8-10 hour ranges, or put in real comparable terms, about 40-50micromols at the sediemnt evenly sporead throughout the tank.
PAR factors all the other issues like Reflectors, bulb efficiency types etc.
High light is NOT Expert level either, high light does not impart any experience or wisdom, I'd say the oppositite actually.
Lack of wisdom.
All my tanks would fall under the low light range according to that.
A much better understanding about light and it's effect on growth is Tropica's article, they did not use wpg, they used PAR, but converted it to lumens, but you can convert it back and forth in their case for that experiment since they started with PAR.
More light does not mean better and most cases, it means worse. A real expert would tell you this.
Measuring ADA's tanks and other top scapes, including the highest ranked one in the USA, was the same as my own tanks. The ADA tanks had 3w/gal, sometimes more...... but identical PAR and evenness.
I see little utility in shorter photoperiods vs using less wattages, more effective reflectors and lighting types like T5's.
For all the pissing and moaning I see about water changes, dosing just enough, the min amoutns etc....... and CO2 issues, algae etc, not to mention fish health due to CO2 issues at higher light wattages/PAR, it's much easier to simple get the same growth with a longer time frame per day, over the course of a month, you still end up with the same total growth, so why try and pack it all into a small time space?
You gain nothing and waste/impose more hardship for labor and your aquarium plants/risk more algae and stress the fish more.
This assumes they can even measure light to begin with, rather than merely guessing and wasting excess light and higher electric bills, more algae etc.
Ignorance, speculation and guessing vs confirmation via measurement.
I'll let you decide from here.
Tom Barr