I just redid a local human society's cat room fish tank. Got rid of their stupid (hope I don't offend anyone) goldfish and planted some spiralis and java lace so far along with cardinals, blue rams, corys, and ottos. I now want to add more plants and thinking about glosso also.
I am currently supplementing with flourish and the trace. But would like to add some blackwater expert to replicate the cardinals environment as much as i can (in other tanks of mine the rams started breeding when I added the blackwater) and to hopefully help with the color of the tank. 6,700k does some interesting things to a tank. nothing bad just not use to it.
If I add the blackwater will I be adding too much ferts to the tank? Flourish is once a week and trace every other day. Also if the blackwater is okay should I do away with the carbon? I just have basic gravel in the tank so if I do glosso should I add root tabs to the tank or will liquid ferts suffice?
I am not a noob with fish but am with plants. Took about a month of research before I was comfortable enough with planting a tank. Have to say now the aquatic hobby is more satisfying than ever.
sorry for the long post.
46 gallon
2 wpg
co2 18 ppm
I am currently supplementing with flourish and the trace. But would like to add some blackwater expert to replicate the cardinals environment as much as i can (in other tanks of mine the rams started breeding when I added the blackwater) and to hopefully help with the color of the tank. 6,700k does some interesting things to a tank. nothing bad just not use to it.
If I add the blackwater will I be adding too much ferts to the tank? Flourish is once a week and trace every other day. Also if the blackwater is okay should I do away with the carbon? I just have basic gravel in the tank so if I do glosso should I add root tabs to the tank or will liquid ferts suffice?
I am not a noob with fish but am with plants. Took about a month of research before I was comfortable enough with planting a tank. Have to say now the aquatic hobby is more satisfying than ever.
sorry for the long post.
46 gallon
2 wpg
co2 18 ppm