I have my PH/C02 stablilized and Algae is slowly going away. But now I am have trouble with a black thread algae. Over two/three days I get some really long strands all over the tank. Some of these reach a one foot in length and are very intertwined with plants. I feel like it is some kind of deficiency, over the last few days I've noticed a decrease in perling and a slight (maybe just nerves) increase in algae growth.
Tank (150 Gallons)
KH 18
PH 6.9 - Very stable through the day
N03 40 ppm
Phos 3 ppm
3 tsp NO3 every other day
3/8 tsp Phos
50 ml Traces opposite days - CSM+B
Water changes 2 - 25% changes per week to help keep PH stable. I really need to be careful with water changes at this point - If I change much more that 25% my PH is going to crash to the point of killing my fish.
Plants are growing very well - Anacharias is growing 12-18" per week, Hornwort - mass quantities , a forest of Vals probably 40+ plants, two large swords, 6-8 crypts and apogenta (not doing well leaves are still heavily algae covered)
Tank (150 Gallons)
KH 18
PH 6.9 - Very stable through the day
N03 40 ppm
Phos 3 ppm
3 tsp NO3 every other day
3/8 tsp Phos
50 ml Traces opposite days - CSM+B
Water changes 2 - 25% changes per week to help keep PH stable. I really need to be careful with water changes at this point - If I change much more that 25% my PH is going to crash to the point of killing my fish.
Plants are growing very well - Anacharias is growing 12-18" per week, Hornwort - mass quantities , a forest of Vals probably 40+ plants, two large swords, 6-8 crypts and apogenta (not doing well leaves are still heavily algae covered)