OK question for Tom? You've mentioned using Black Onyx sand for natural aquariums. I don't know if it rings a bell but I'm the guy that intends to build a 2500gal concrete tank with 10' viewing window when we build our house. My research would indicate this is affordable for a middle class family if done on a budget. I intend to put about a foot of substrate in back and grade it down toward the front to 2". My fish list is as follows:
Fish Size Qt Total Tally
Red Cockatoo Cichlid 2.5 1 Pr 5” 5”
Apistogramma Viejita 3” 1 Pr 5” 10”
Flag Acara 3" 1 Pr 6" 16”
Ram Cichlid 3 ” 1 Pr 6” 22”
Keyhole Cichlid 4” 1 Pr 8” 30"
Silver Angelfish 5” 7 35” 65”
Banjo Catfish 4” 10 40” 105"
Panda Cory 2” 15 30” 135”
Coral Pencilfish 1.5 50 75” 205”
Black-Winged Hatchetfish 1.5” 200 300” 505”
Otto 2” 200 400” 905”
Cardinal Tetra 2” 300 600 1505”
Rummynose Tetra 2” 300 600” 2105”
Green Fire Tetra 2” 300 600” 2755”
Brazilian Yellow-Belly 1.5” 100 150” 2855”
Grass Shrimp
The design of the tank is something like this:
Can I use Black Onyx sand exclusively? And when you say sand you mean the sand not the gravel.
Fish Size Qt Total Tally
Red Cockatoo Cichlid 2.5 1 Pr 5” 5”
Apistogramma Viejita 3” 1 Pr 5” 10”
Flag Acara 3" 1 Pr 6" 16”
Ram Cichlid 3 ” 1 Pr 6” 22”
Keyhole Cichlid 4” 1 Pr 8” 30"
Silver Angelfish 5” 7 35” 65”
Banjo Catfish 4” 10 40” 105"
Panda Cory 2” 15 30” 135”
Coral Pencilfish 1.5 50 75” 205”
Black-Winged Hatchetfish 1.5” 200 300” 505”
Otto 2” 200 400” 905”
Cardinal Tetra 2” 300 600 1505”
Rummynose Tetra 2” 300 600” 2105”
Green Fire Tetra 2” 300 600” 2755”
Brazilian Yellow-Belly 1.5” 100 150” 2855”
Grass Shrimp
The design of the tank is something like this:
Can I use Black Onyx sand exclusively? And when you say sand you mean the sand not the gravel.