Greetings all,
I've been a longtime troller of the barrreport, having got into freshwater planted tanks about a year ago now and its been a big change from saltwater reefkeeping. I've been struggling with BGA for a while now. I've killed it twice now, the first time with a dose of erythromiacin for 4 days, but hadn't found out about the EI dosing plan at that time and inevitably the BGA came back. At this point I did a lot of research on the topic and found this site and the EI method and switched to EI after a 4 day blackout period which wiped out the BGA. Now a month later the BGA is back, I've followed the EI to the letter for a tank my size and am confused as to why I am plagues by this problem. My tank is doing amazingly well otherwise since I've switched to EI method, so well that I have a lot of noticable growth on a daily basis. Its a 50 gal planted tank with discus, running a rena xp3 that gets cleaned every other week. I have pressurized C02 running when the lights are on. I don't have many water test kits but I have tests ammonia which is non existant and N03 which is between 5 to 10 ppm. Ideas, thoughts and suggestions welcome.
I've been a longtime troller of the barrreport, having got into freshwater planted tanks about a year ago now and its been a big change from saltwater reefkeeping. I've been struggling with BGA for a while now. I've killed it twice now, the first time with a dose of erythromiacin for 4 days, but hadn't found out about the EI dosing plan at that time and inevitably the BGA came back. At this point I did a lot of research on the topic and found this site and the EI method and switched to EI after a 4 day blackout period which wiped out the BGA. Now a month later the BGA is back, I've followed the EI to the letter for a tank my size and am confused as to why I am plagues by this problem. My tank is doing amazingly well otherwise since I've switched to EI method, so well that I have a lot of noticable growth on a daily basis. Its a 50 gal planted tank with discus, running a rena xp3 that gets cleaned every other week. I have pressurized C02 running when the lights are on. I don't have many water test kits but I have tests ammonia which is non existant and N03 which is between 5 to 10 ppm. Ideas, thoughts and suggestions welcome.