My Ph is 6.6 and I would like to rise it to 7. How much baking soda do I need to add to my 55g tank? I will only do this once a week with my WC. Btw, my Kh is 1 and Gh 3 after WC. I am already using Equilibrium and the ultimate Gh booster. Or, should I leave the Ph alone? I have heavy planted goldfish tanks.
My Ph is 6.6 and I would like to rise it to 7. How much baking soda do I need to add to my 55g tank? I will only do this once a week with my WC. Btw, my Kh is 1 and Gh 3 after WC. I am already using Equilibrium and the ultimate Gh booster. Or, should I leave the Ph alone? I have heavy planted goldfish tanks.