Hi everyone,
I have been a lurker for a long time on this and other forums. I'm a botanist/horticulturalist who has, amongst other things, spent a lot of time creating tissue culture lines of aquarium plants. I have over 90 of them now, and I am just putting out some feelers to see if folks are happy getting their plants the way they currently do, or if people would be interested in receiving plants directly out of tissue culture. I've developed species such as HC, pogostemon helferi, suesswassertang, as well as some of the more common stems, echinos, anubias, ferns, and mosses. If enough people thought that they would be interested in getting plants totally free of algae, snails, fungi, bacteria, etc, then I would consider packaging these plants. Thanks for any responses!
PS I have also posted this question on APC, sorry for the double post.
I have been a lurker for a long time on this and other forums. I'm a botanist/horticulturalist who has, amongst other things, spent a lot of time creating tissue culture lines of aquarium plants. I have over 90 of them now, and I am just putting out some feelers to see if folks are happy getting their plants the way they currently do, or if people would be interested in receiving plants directly out of tissue culture. I've developed species such as HC, pogostemon helferi, suesswassertang, as well as some of the more common stems, echinos, anubias, ferns, and mosses. If enough people thought that they would be interested in getting plants totally free of algae, snails, fungi, bacteria, etc, then I would consider packaging these plants. Thanks for any responses!
PS I have also posted this question on APC, sorry for the double post.