Hi all,
I may be getting a chance to help create a large planted tank for a public Aquarium that I work for. This display will be based on the Rio Negro habitat. Rather than an exact biotope, our plan is to feature aquatic flora and fauna that are found throughout the overall region.
I have a list of plants that I believe are native to the area, but I'm not certain. Can any of you confirm, deny, or add to this list? I haven't noted exact species for everything because there may be multiples for any listed genera. Specific recommendations are welcome. I'm also looking for aquatic epiphytes (if any exist there).
I may be getting a chance to help create a large planted tank for a public Aquarium that I work for. This display will be based on the Rio Negro habitat. Rather than an exact biotope, our plan is to feature aquatic flora and fauna that are found throughout the overall region.
I have a list of plants that I believe are native to the area, but I'm not certain. Can any of you confirm, deny, or add to this list? I haven't noted exact species for everything because there may be multiples for any listed genera. Specific recommendations are welcome. I'm also looking for aquatic epiphytes (if any exist there).
- Echinodorus sp. (Swords)
- Vallisneria sp.
- Syngonanthus sp.
- Cabomba sp.
- Myriophyllum sp.
- Heteranthera sp.
- Mayaca sp.
- Alternanthera sp.
- Eleocharis sp. (Hairgrass)
- Sagittaria sp. (Salamander tank)
- Helanthium Tenellum (Pygmy Chain Sword)
- Staurogyne Repens (Stem)
- Lilaeopsis brasiliensis (Micro Sword)
- Eriocaulon sp.
- Micranthemum sp.
- Azolla sp.
- Salvinia sp.
- Phyllanthus Fluitans (Red Root Floater)
- Pistia stratiotes (Water Lettuce)
- Limnobium Laevigatum (Frogbit)
- Hydrocotyle leucocephala (Pennywort)