Tom is clearly better used with this reactor, but I'm not sure a 79gph pump will be enough for the AM1000 on a 80gal tank. You'll need a high bps count on the AM for your tank. With a 79gph pump a build up can occur quiet rapidely
should i run the pump before or after the reactor, i tried both ways, if i run it before the i can de-gas back to the reactor, the disadvantage in this way is the tubing more likly to kink leaving the pump back to the reactor top, if i run it after less tubing but can only de-gas back to the tank, any thoughts?
I don't degas and it works like a charm. If too much gas builds up, then reactor is unable to keep with too much CO2 or maybe not enough strong pump.
If you like still to degas, better will be in reactor of course. Maybe try to better adapt your tubing path to avoid kinks. A photo of your setup could help us to advice you
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