I'm starting to get frustrated with algae in my 10gal. Everything is growing good, but I have a good portion of some sort of spot algae on the glass and the sand parts of my tank, so at weekly water changes I clean the glass with a green scrubby pad and change out the sand. I tire of changing sand and I haven't had good luck cleaning the green out of the sand I remove. I also have some black algae and thread algae on the slow growers. Like my tonina, as it grows, the lower leaves catch heck from the algae. The thread algae is what prompts me to ask questions today. It's all caught up in my HC and Eriocaulon Cinereum. These two plants are really hard to keep rooted and it's almost impossible to clean the algae from these.
I've been doing plenty of reading, but I'm not sure what next step to take. Last weekend I increased my co2 a few bubbles, and I intend to do it again this weekend. I leave my co2 on 24/7, so I like to be around to monitor the fish when I up the co2. My photo period starts at 3pm, so I up it in the morning. I'm still doing the chart co2 measurement since my paypal is problematic at the moment and I can't find a retail drop counter.
I'm reading that Iron could be a problem so I'm pondering cutting traces for a bit. I also read that I might be low in macros, so I'm pondering increasing the dosage on those. I'm using EI dosage by the example on this site. I have decent tank flow, but it does slow from time to time. I have alot plant floaters, but I always clean the intake when I get home from work and before I go to bed.
I have two dwarf puffers and 7 ghost shrimp, plus snails (snail population goes up and down as they are puffer food). The ghost shrimp are constantly busy, but after I added 4 ghost shrimp to bring my total to 8, the puffers became stressed, so I would rather get my tank straight as opposed to adding more critters.
My algae isn't a huge problem; it is managable, and probably not that bad for a beginner, but I want to reach the lofty status of no algae via perfect enviroment. My plants are growing very well from what I read. My bacopa grows 3-4 inches a day along with my anacharis and to a lesser extent, my HM. Tonina grows noticably every day or so, and my riccia, various mosses and dwarf sag grow great. HC does grow, but it's more noticable weekly, and the Eriocaulon is simply alive.
Otherwise I'm quite pleased with the way things are going less than two months in, thanks to the help I've received
Tank summary:
36watt AHSuply light 4" over tank
pressurized co2 KH 4-5 PH 6.5
+/-1/32+Tsp-KH2P04 3x aweek
+/-1/8Tsp-KN03 3x a week
+/-1/16Tsp-CSMB 3x a week
Water change once a week - sometimes twice as time permits.
I'm starting to get frustrated with algae in my 10gal. Everything is growing good, but I have a good portion of some sort of spot algae on the glass and the sand parts of my tank, so at weekly water changes I clean the glass with a green scrubby pad and change out the sand. I tire of changing sand and I haven't had good luck cleaning the green out of the sand I remove. I also have some black algae and thread algae on the slow growers. Like my tonina, as it grows, the lower leaves catch heck from the algae. The thread algae is what prompts me to ask questions today. It's all caught up in my HC and Eriocaulon Cinereum. These two plants are really hard to keep rooted and it's almost impossible to clean the algae from these.
I've been doing plenty of reading, but I'm not sure what next step to take. Last weekend I increased my co2 a few bubbles, and I intend to do it again this weekend. I leave my co2 on 24/7, so I like to be around to monitor the fish when I up the co2. My photo period starts at 3pm, so I up it in the morning. I'm still doing the chart co2 measurement since my paypal is problematic at the moment and I can't find a retail drop counter.
I'm reading that Iron could be a problem so I'm pondering cutting traces for a bit. I also read that I might be low in macros, so I'm pondering increasing the dosage on those. I'm using EI dosage by the example on this site. I have decent tank flow, but it does slow from time to time. I have alot plant floaters, but I always clean the intake when I get home from work and before I go to bed.
I have two dwarf puffers and 7 ghost shrimp, plus snails (snail population goes up and down as they are puffer food). The ghost shrimp are constantly busy, but after I added 4 ghost shrimp to bring my total to 8, the puffers became stressed, so I would rather get my tank straight as opposed to adding more critters.
My algae isn't a huge problem; it is managable, and probably not that bad for a beginner, but I want to reach the lofty status of no algae via perfect enviroment. My plants are growing very well from what I read. My bacopa grows 3-4 inches a day along with my anacharis and to a lesser extent, my HM. Tonina grows noticably every day or so, and my riccia, various mosses and dwarf sag grow great. HC does grow, but it's more noticable weekly, and the Eriocaulon is simply alive.
Otherwise I'm quite pleased with the way things are going less than two months in, thanks to the help I've received
Tank summary:
36watt AHSuply light 4" over tank
pressurized co2 KH 4-5 PH 6.5
+/-1/32+Tsp-KH2P04 3x aweek
+/-1/8Tsp-KN03 3x a week
+/-1/16Tsp-CSMB 3x a week
Water change once a week - sometimes twice as time permits.