Algae Problems


Junior Poster
Jan 23, 2005
East Peoria, IL
I recently broke down my tank completely and re-set it up out of frustration with algae. Tank specs as follows:

29 gallon
2 x 55 w cf lighting
pressurized CO2
eco-complete substrate
KH - 4
pH - 6.6
water changes: 50% 1x weekly, mostly R/O with tap to bring KH to 4
Dosing: appx 1/8 tsp KNO3 3x weekly,
appx 2 rice grains KH2PO4 3x weekly,
CSM Plantex for micros (approx 5 ml of diluted solution)

Due to work I had to neglect the tank back in the summer, but since I have not been able to get control of the algae problems. Livestock consists of a handful of amano shrimp, several dwarf cichlids, and about 10 assorted catfish. I feed a pinch of flake food or frozen brine shrimp once a day.

The algae is a soft, cottony green algae that easily comes off surfaces with scraping. Problem is it covers every surface in the tank, so removing it seems to be impossible. The water surface has a film on it. The water has a slight odor; moldy/musky similar to BGA. Following are two pics of the algae:

algae 1

algae 2

Help! What do I do? I did the re-setting up of the tank almost 2.5 weeks ago. I have noticed new growth on some of the plants, including the blyxa, glosso, and nana petite. However the algae seems to be choking out all the growth before it can really get going.

Thank you for your help,


Lifetime Charter Member
Lifetime Member
Jan 24, 2005
Re: Algae Problems

Well, at least your aquarium is green, and some of the plants are doing well.

I'd say that you had BGA plus other kinds of algae. To get rid of it, long term, you should get a lot of fast growing plants - your tank is sparsley planted, as far as I can see. :)

You also might check you GH. Plants need calcium and magnesium, and when you use RO water there is a risk that you won't have enough.

Good luck.
