Hi, i'm trying to identify this algae and what is causing it. Hope you can help me!
thanks a lot!
250l Aquarium
Photoperiod- 7 hours a day, with 8 t5 54w.
Co2-35 ppm
No ammonia
No nitrite
Adding KNO3, KHPO4, MgSo3, CaCO3, 3 times a week; CSM+B 3 times a week.
Thanks for helping!
thanks a lot!
250l Aquarium
Photoperiod- 7 hours a day, with 8 t5 54w.
Co2-35 ppm
No ammonia
No nitrite
Adding KNO3, KHPO4, MgSo3, CaCO3, 3 times a week; CSM+B 3 times a week.
Thanks for helping!