Hey everyone,
As some of you'll know, I've been growing Dwarf Hairgrass in an emersed form for almost 2 months now. Today I received my shipment of plants and I proceeded to hardscape and then aquascape the tank. Here is what the tank looked like after I was done:
After I finished setting the tank up, I left the lights on (2x20Watt CFLs) for 2-3 hours while I took a break, admired the tank and had dinner. To my dismay, when I started work on my tank again (needed to do a Water change) I noticed that some sort of mat like algae was growing extremely rapidly along my substrate (Seachem Flourite Black Sand).
I did have a little bit of green algae at the edges of my gravel when I was growing the plants emersed but I did make an effort to get as much out of the tank prior to filling it. Right now I have no idea what algae I have, and nor do I know what to do to beat it. I'm absolutely terrified that I'll lose my plants and hairgrass as I try to battle this crazy fast algae. I'd really appreciate any help that anyone could give me.
Here are 2 pics of the algae:
Could someone help me ID this algae and tell me what the best plan of action would be for my tank? This algae is forming a mat like structure on the gravel, which I need to pull at to get off of the surface of the gravel. I tried smelling it but no foul smell so I guess it isn't BGA (although I might have trace amounts of it at the gravel edges....not really sure). I tried doing a gentle gravel vac but I couldn't really get this algae to come off on its own. I'm worried that the only way to clean the tank will be to uproot all my lovely hairgrass and then pull all the algae out.
For now I did a large (80-90%) water change on the tank, made sure the filter and heater were working well and that I established good flow in the tank. I also dosed 1 capful of Excel into the tank (recommended dose after big WC). I also have a large number of Rotala Indica Stems just floating at the surface to soak in extra nutrients. I do think I have a fair bit of rotala indica in my tank to soak in nutrients. My fert routine is going to be:
1/16 teaspoon of KNO3, 2x a week
1/32 teaspoon of KH2PO4, 2x a week
2mls of CSM+B trace solution, 1x a week
SeaChem Equilibrium 1/16th once a week (Immediately after weekly water change)
50% weekly water change
Dose 1-1.5x the recommended dose for Excel (1 ml for every 10 gallons on a daily basis and 5ml for every 10 gallon after 40% or more water changes).
I'm planning on doing daily water changes as that seems like a good thing to do. What would you recommend I do to beat this algae? I really really don't want to have to take this tank apart. I'm very excited since this is my first planted tank and attempt at aquascaping and it would break my heart to have to give up on this tank so soon.
Thanks in advance!
PS- Big thanks to Tom and all the other wonderful ppl on this forum. I've managed to get so far only because of all the useful information I've found on the forums here.
As some of you'll know, I've been growing Dwarf Hairgrass in an emersed form for almost 2 months now. Today I received my shipment of plants and I proceeded to hardscape and then aquascape the tank. Here is what the tank looked like after I was done:
After I finished setting the tank up, I left the lights on (2x20Watt CFLs) for 2-3 hours while I took a break, admired the tank and had dinner. To my dismay, when I started work on my tank again (needed to do a Water change) I noticed that some sort of mat like algae was growing extremely rapidly along my substrate (Seachem Flourite Black Sand).
I did have a little bit of green algae at the edges of my gravel when I was growing the plants emersed but I did make an effort to get as much out of the tank prior to filling it. Right now I have no idea what algae I have, and nor do I know what to do to beat it. I'm absolutely terrified that I'll lose my plants and hairgrass as I try to battle this crazy fast algae. I'd really appreciate any help that anyone could give me.
Here are 2 pics of the algae:
Could someone help me ID this algae and tell me what the best plan of action would be for my tank? This algae is forming a mat like structure on the gravel, which I need to pull at to get off of the surface of the gravel. I tried smelling it but no foul smell so I guess it isn't BGA (although I might have trace amounts of it at the gravel edges....not really sure). I tried doing a gentle gravel vac but I couldn't really get this algae to come off on its own. I'm worried that the only way to clean the tank will be to uproot all my lovely hairgrass and then pull all the algae out.
For now I did a large (80-90%) water change on the tank, made sure the filter and heater were working well and that I established good flow in the tank. I also dosed 1 capful of Excel into the tank (recommended dose after big WC). I also have a large number of Rotala Indica Stems just floating at the surface to soak in extra nutrients. I do think I have a fair bit of rotala indica in my tank to soak in nutrients. My fert routine is going to be:
1/16 teaspoon of KNO3, 2x a week
1/32 teaspoon of KH2PO4, 2x a week
2mls of CSM+B trace solution, 1x a week
SeaChem Equilibrium 1/16th once a week (Immediately after weekly water change)
50% weekly water change
Dose 1-1.5x the recommended dose for Excel (1 ml for every 10 gallons on a daily basis and 5ml for every 10 gallon after 40% or more water changes).
I'm planning on doing daily water changes as that seems like a good thing to do. What would you recommend I do to beat this algae? I really really don't want to have to take this tank apart. I'm very excited since this is my first planted tank and attempt at aquascaping and it would break my heart to have to give up on this tank so soon.
Thanks in advance!
PS- Big thanks to Tom and all the other wonderful ppl on this forum. I've managed to get so far only because of all the useful information I've found on the forums here.