Hi Tom,
A quick question...I have a 210 gallon planted discus tank with a foreground of white sand which is very fine grained (sugar sized) and blows all around the tank. I have some of the ADA white decorative sand. Can I just cap the finer sand? I do not want to siphon the older sand out because it is a fairly new tank and I do not want to lose the biological filtration. Let me know. Thanks.
A quick question...I have a 210 gallon planted discus tank with a foreground of white sand which is very fine grained (sugar sized) and blows all around the tank. I have some of the ADA white decorative sand. Can I just cap the finer sand? I do not want to siphon the older sand out because it is a fairly new tank and I do not want to lose the biological filtration. Let me know. Thanks.