I have a 56g tank (30L x 18W x 25H) that is not growing in very well. I'm not sure what is wrong, I tried adding more light (over 3 WPG ) and CO2 (pressurized) this burned up the Hornwart floating on top so I removed the added PC (1x65 watts). The tank is 18in. wide and the PC is 7in.wide 2x65watts. I feel that the light is not spreading out enough to get good growth. I have a heavy fish load so I don't fertalize it in large doses and the ferts. I use are all Seachem (nit,pot,phos,iron,flourish,trace ellements,fert.tabs). I have flourite,laterite,2mm gravel mixed to make 4-5 in. of substrate. I am running two magnum 350's could this be to much circulation? I have a Pinpoint monitor, the PH in the AM is 6.82 in the PM its around 6.89-6.92. My KH right now is 6 degrees. I have a drop checker all so. The majority of the plants are Anubias, also I have a very large Am.Sword Aponogeton ulvaceus,Cryp.retrospiralis,Rotalia indica,Dwarf sag. I use the fert.tabs for the large varieties. My best growth comes from the center of the tank. Any suggestions as to what I should change to make this old set up work?
thanks charter.
thanks charter.