Hello guys, this is my first post. I have an aquarium, 340g, that is right now cycling as a saltwater fish only. I will have the measurements of the tank later today. It has been a saltwater tank for a while, but did some changes underneath recently, more gph and larger wet-dry. I am considering turning it into a planted tank, or an arowana tank, 3 rainbows. I have a 60g planted tank going right now. eco complete substrate, maybe 80 percent ec, and 20 just black moon sand i think? java fern, an amazon, java moss, another plant that i cant recall the name of, and a lot of anubias. the lighting is a coralife 6700k power compact, 48 inches. i was doing 50 percent water changes, but the plants would always start to grow algae. i havent done a water change in 2 months, and the plants havent looked better. so i am basically doing refills, and some spot cleaning, but really there is no build up of anything on the substrate surface. no algae on the glass either, and no dosing. 7 white clouds, 7 cardinal tetras, 8 rummy nose tetras, 2 corys, one albino pleco, about 5 inches, and 2 sae, a chinese algae eater, a yo yo loach, and a lot of algae eating shrimp, layin eggs and such.
with that said, i know a 340g is nothing to compare to a 60g, but, what are the possibilites of turning it into a low light planted tank? i do not want co2. there is a wet-dry, and 3600 pump, and nothing for lighting as of yet. most of the plants in my 60 are plants that do not need to be planted in the substrate. the java is just latching onto the substrate to stay down. i would like to use mostly those types of plants, and not have to invest in eco complete for this tank if i do not have to. my rock stack and driftwood scaping will do fine with height and depth in the tank. like i said, later i will get the measurements, but if anyone has any thoughts at the moment, please share.
with that said, i know a 340g is nothing to compare to a 60g, but, what are the possibilites of turning it into a low light planted tank? i do not want co2. there is a wet-dry, and 3600 pump, and nothing for lighting as of yet. most of the plants in my 60 are plants that do not need to be planted in the substrate. the java is just latching onto the substrate to stay down. i would like to use mostly those types of plants, and not have to invest in eco complete for this tank if i do not have to. my rock stack and driftwood scaping will do fine with height and depth in the tank. like i said, later i will get the measurements, but if anyone has any thoughts at the moment, please share.