Justin wrote:
I'm posting the help here since others will glean another example of how this all goes and other posters can also add different points of view.
You've understood well so far:gw
You are going to make mistakes and you are going to learn from them. We all do.
Reducing the mistakes and being easy on yourself when you make them will help a lot.
It seems like a lot and overwhelms many initially.
After a few years/months for some, they settle down and it's pretty easy day to day.
Baseline to start really starts with you.
What is your specific goal?
What aesthetics are you drawn to?
What fish, what plant layouts, wood, rock, placement in the home, you have to live with this tank and look at it everyday, not me or anyone else really other than your family/roommates?
As far as equipment, lighting is the first place, I'd stick with some high grade T5's 1.5w/gal if it's a full enclosed hood, maybe 1.8-2w/gal if it's an open top.
Aquarium/stand- open top or enclosed hood, height of the stand etc.....??
Placement in house? Access to water changes and potential to hard plumb a drain and refill valve?
Ferts are the easiest of all these.
Sediment? ADA AS or DIY wormstrate? Soil? Osmocoat? Plain sand?
Water column dosing is 2- 3x a week, EI to start.
Pack the tank to the gills with plants, ask for RAOK on the forums for freebies, easy to grow weeds, get the tank well established and full and then switch out to the plants you like more.
Best to get larger amounts of plants from fellow hobbyists
Local clubs nearby? Join, they can help you and also provide a way for you to help others later.
You can link to tank designs or set ups that you like, then go from there.
Tom Barr
I have some specific questions about EI dosing and clarifing some dosing regimine for my 150 now that I've added Co2 via a needle wheel setup. This approach is new to me, alothough from all the reading that I've done on the forum, it seems to be a good way to go. If I'd like to consult you directly, do I need to pay consultation fees for your advice?
I'm posting the help here since others will glean another example of how this all goes and other posters can also add different points of view.
Please advise on the best approach. I've read all the basics on EI dosing methods on the forum, and I understand that each setup up has it's own unique needs, but I am finding myself confused, and falling prone, in the quest for the perfect appraoch to start this method...it seems to me there is none and one just has to be open and observent.
You've understood well so far:gw
You are going to make mistakes and you are going to learn from them. We all do.
Reducing the mistakes and being easy on yourself when you make them will help a lot.
It seems like a lot and overwhelms many initially.
After a few years/months for some, they settle down and it's pretty easy day to day.
But I would like to ask for some specific help concerning intial dosing for plant health and vitatility and the best ways to appraoch this with are larger thank, in my case being a 150 gal. Where's a good base line to start. Next, what are your recommendations in ordering the necessary dry goods to conduct the basic dosing appraoches outlined int he EI forum. I understand the concept, but find myself still in the box of not really knowing where to start when trying to establish an inital baseline regimine. Your thoughts?
Baseline to start really starts with you.
What is your specific goal?
What aesthetics are you drawn to?
What fish, what plant layouts, wood, rock, placement in the home, you have to live with this tank and look at it everyday, not me or anyone else really other than your family/roommates?
As far as equipment, lighting is the first place, I'd stick with some high grade T5's 1.5w/gal if it's a full enclosed hood, maybe 1.8-2w/gal if it's an open top.
Aquarium/stand- open top or enclosed hood, height of the stand etc.....??
Placement in house? Access to water changes and potential to hard plumb a drain and refill valve?
Ferts are the easiest of all these.
Sediment? ADA AS or DIY wormstrate? Soil? Osmocoat? Plain sand?
Water column dosing is 2- 3x a week, EI to start.
Pack the tank to the gills with plants, ask for RAOK on the forums for freebies, easy to grow weeds, get the tank well established and full and then switch out to the plants you like more.
Best to get larger amounts of plants from fellow hobbyists
Local clubs nearby? Join, they can help you and also provide a way for you to help others later.
You can link to tank designs or set ups that you like, then go from there.
Tom Barr