I am looking for Dwarf Riccia. I had it years ago and am looking for it again. Please let me know if you have some available. I am wondering if this plant still exists in the hobby or even at all. I am located in Canada.
Thank you.
I tend to use New Old Stock as a means to save a little money as I have 4 (soon 6) identical tanks on a common system. (I like to emply similar tech/products to remove variablity between the display tanks in my common system).
I'm looking for the following:
At last two (2) 6W 12.5"...
Like the subject says. If you want to get rid of some for cheap hit me up plz. I’m setting up a new tank. Looking for 25 - 50 red cherries, shipped. Thanx.
hey all, anyone know of some manzanita driftwood for sale around Hawthorne, california? or if its possible to get a large box of driftwood from Mr. Barr still? thanks in advance
Hello Everyone,
I am looking for a variety of rarer aquatic cryptocoryne species and I am curious if anyone has a selection of crypts for sale with pictures.
Thank you!
Anyone know where I can find a US source for very fine,white, silica sand, comparable to JBL Sansibar Snow? It's difficult to find sand that white. Thanks...
Anyone out there have plants of these to sell or trade?
I can offer fish in exchange: Fundulopanchax scheeli and/or mamfensis Basua. These eat anything and do well in a planted tank setting (but will feast on shrimp).
I am also looking for Crypt. affinis "metalic red".
Bucephalandra sp Mini Catherine!
Got to be the serrated leaf variety....Tom Barr did have some a few years back!
Please post a picture if available for Sale....shipping to the UK!
hogan53 (UKaps)
I'm in England and can't seem to come across a good source of black Loc Line aside from 1/2"
I'm looking for either 3/4" or 1" to add to my all in one system.
Other brands in black are welcome and know the lifeguard Aquatics bulkhead is probably part of the solution.
I've got 1/2" at the moment...
Title says it all. Any chance anyone has some they'd be willing to sell or trade for? Would be willing to meet-up locally or pay for insulated shipping (real cold in the north east currently). Thanks!
Hi all, just joined and looking for advice on floating plants. I purchased four types of floating plants salvinia cuccullata, salvinia oblongifolia, hygroryza aristata, and frogbit. I have limited experience with submersed plants and I thought this would be fairly easy with floating plants. When...
Okay so howdy y'all, I'm from northern Illinois. I'm currently working on my second walstad tank setup that's 55g, I'd prefer DHG and S repens for the dsm as well as moss to attach to the driftwood (I want it to be so it's partially emerged as well) . I've been having a hell of a time finding...
I realize this is likely a long shot as the only person I know of with a colony in the US is Gary Lange. The fish are considered endangered and illegal to collect in the wild, however, hobbyists and breeders are allowed to share tank raised specimens. If anybody has any leads on how to go about...
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