
  1. Harris Tiu

    Lifespan Of Ada Amazonia

    Hey All, I've read that ADA Amazonia will deplete of Nitrogen after 1 year, but all the other nutrients are still in the aquasoil. Is this true? Thanks
  2. Harris Tiu

    Dhg & Ada Amazonia Normal

    Hey fellas, I am planning a scape with DHG carpet on ADA Amazonia. Will DHG grow healthy on ADA Amazonia Normal Grain? or will i benefit from using ADA Amazonia Powder instead? The reason I ask is because the powder grain costs quite a bit more. Thanks
  3. kizwan

    Aerating My Soil Using Hydrogen Peroxide

    Hello, I want to reuse my old substrate. This is basically full rescaping in a year old tank. However, the new stem plants failed to developed roots or even if it grow roots it is unhealthy with dark color. I think the substrate become anaerobic because there's bubble coming out of it when...
  4. R

    Ada Amazonia—buffering And Livestock

    Hi all, I've done a fair amount of research on aqua soils, and I think I'm going to switch out Eco-Complete for ADA Amazonia in my 30cm cube. My only questions are about how the buffering capacity of ADA Amazonia affects plants, fish, and shrimp: 1. How quickly does Amazonia buffer water...
  5. FischAutoTechGarten

    Wanted: Ecoxotic Stunner Strips 6w 12.5" 8000k And Hydor Hydrokable Substrate Heater 25w

    Folks, I tend to use New Old Stock as a means to save a little money as I have 4 (soon 6) identical tanks on a common system. (I like to emply similar tech/products to remove variablity between the display tanks in my common system). I'm looking for the following: At last two (2) 6W 12.5"...
  6. C

    Hydroton Fact? Used? Information?

    Hello guys.. did you knows about Hydroton or LECA (based on Wikipedia)? they told us that is LECA provide more oxygen for the roots better because they will absorb any ion more, include gas or nutrient... is it true? If so, could they also absorb CO2 from decomposition organic material in our...
  7. Corne

    Ei And Inherent Gravel?

    Is it possible to get lush growth of stem plants using EI and an good CO2 regime in combination with an inherent substrate like fine gravel? Or do I always need nutrients in an inherent substrate like roottabs/ osmocote ect?
  8. D

    Monte Carlo Patches W/ Leaves Turning Translucent And Melting Towards The Substrate

    Heya all, long time forum lurker here. Most of the things that I've done in my tank have come from information that I've learned here. I thought I'll jump in and join the community finally and engage :). Would really appreciate the help. Also please let me know if this is not the right place to...
  9. kjs

    Really At A Loss In Choosing New Substrate For Tank Upgrade

    I have a well established 55g pretty heavily planted medium light tank with beginner plants (water sprite, cabomba, hornswort, annubias, java moss, cryptocorne, amazon sword . . . I also have shrimp, fish and a few snails. My tank parameters are ph 6.7, dh 8, kh 6, nitrite and ammonia 0 and...
  10. E

    Ada Amazonia In Established Tank

    I'm planning on swapping out my Black Diamond blast sand substrate for ADA Amazonia in my 1 year old cycled and planted 10 gallon tank. I've searched the forums/online but can't fine a solid answer on the best way to do this. The most common options I've come across are: 1) Swap substrate add...
  11. Phantom_ws

    Help Regarding New Planted Tank Substrate

    Hello; I have never kept a planted tank before but they always inspired me a lot. The main reason of it the availability of resources. Some mandatory things required for good planted tanks (as i've read on multiple forums) are not easily available in my country. Now, cutting the long story...
  12. W

    What Dirt Should I Use For A Dirted Tank?

    I want to dirt my 20 long. What dirt should I use? It would have to be a dirt you can find at Lowe’s and Home Depot
  13. EDD COX

    I Have Landed. I Am A Visual Artist On The Waterfront In Seattle.

    I have a jungle of house plants that surround 3 aquarium where I create paintings & sculpture. Tanks are two 20's & a 10 gal. planted with co2. Getting educated with cycling/balance & algae fighting. The 10 is a new dry start. Waiting for new plants to finish arriving as I begin the carpet &...
  14. N

    Aquasoil + Diy Substrate ?

    Hello! My name is nathalia and im from uruguay. Here it is very hard to find commercial substrates for planted tanks thats why I brought a 9L ADA Amazonia Aquasoil bag from brasil in my bag . The thing is that im setting a tank with this base dimentions: 40cmx80cm (16inx32in). For that size i...
  15. J

    Aquasoil Dust Storm, Suggestions?

    hi all, I’m new here but fairly experienced with planted tanks. My teens have recently started their own nano tanks, both with aquasoil, tanks are working well without complaint. The weird thing happened when one kid used the leftover aquasoil to scape a third tank, to make a level change and...
  16. J

    Substrate Dosing Lines

    Hi everyone, I am in the process of setting up a 500 liter tank with CO2, high light and EI dosing vía doing pumps. My pump has 4 dosing channels and I started thinking about running an additional channel through a line that winds underneath the substrate. It would use the same macro...
  17. J

    Will My Multiple Substrate-type, Deep "sand Bed", Plenum Be Effective? Or Just Way Overthought? Lol

    So I have been in the process of building a 56 gallon "column" high tech planted tank for the better part of 6 months now. I have slowly been collecting each item (along with some limited DIY building) and am FINALLY almost ready to add water. May be a little late now lol but wanted some...
  18. 7

    So I Stuffed Up... Ada Amazonia Soil

    Long story short. Re-running this tank that had 1.5 years of ADA Amazonia in it. I cleaned out the tank and out of habit from my goldfish keeping days, rinsed the soil only to find out after you’re not supposed to. Now do I... Add another layer of Amazonia on top Scrap the entire 5 bags of...
  19. L

    Is Inert Substrate With Root Tabs Enough?

    Hi guys. I am saving up to putting some good lights on my 325 liter aquarium. I already inject pressurized CO2 and will start EI dosing soon (lower doses since I only have a moderately planted tank and for the next couple of months low light). Anyway, I'd like to be able to grow some medium...
  20. Dd1880

    Best All Around Substrate For Monte Carlo Low Tech Tank?

    Hi everyone! I was thinking about doing a carpet of Monte Carlo or similar looking carpet plant and was wondering what was the best complete substrate that would last years. I know aquasoil would be the best but would rather not have to change it all out after a year or two. Is there a aquasoil...