ph drop

  1. J

    Ph drop confusion for co2 injection

    Hi, I’m having a bit of a issue or confusion PH of tank water degassed with air stone in a cup 7.7 PH of tank water in tank aerated with air stone 6.9 won’t go above this even after fresh water changes using tropica aqua soil which I believe is the issue my question is what should I drop the...
  2. M

    Is The Ph Drop The Best Way To Measure Co2?

    Here's a little write-up someone gave me: The "1.0 pH drop" is an oversimplification you can not and should not apply without thought. Firstly, the higher the KH, the higher the buffering capacity and the exact same level of CO2 would result in a higher pH. Secondly, this idea completely...
  3. C

    Using Ph Drop Method To Ballpark Co2 Concentration Problem

    I have ph=8 - 8.2 degassed tap water My kh tested is ~5(API), although a municipal water report says my carbonate hardness should be between 6 - 7.2 I thought this chart would help me and could only overestimate the CO2 in my water but now...
  4. S

    How Much Ph Drop From Degassed To Enriched From Day To Night

    I have a CO2 injected 80gal Planted aquarium with 130 watts of DIY Cree 6500K LED lighting and a buffering substrate. I currently only drop the pH from the photo period to night by about 0.4 pH or from 6.2 to 6.7. I used remineralized RODI water and I keep the GH at 3 degrees and the KH at...
  5. Bishop

    A Question On The Co2 Ph Drop

    Short summary is that my rested PH from tank after 24 hours reads 7.10 PH. But my tank before Co2 turns on reads 6.15 PH, both measured digitally and fluctuations over the months are less than 0.10 Ph. Fish gasp at about 5.45 with light surface movement and skimmer. Current Ph sits at around...
  6. F

    Co2 Injection Vs Ph Drop

    In the context of PH8 GH9 KH5 before adding CO2... Under what circumstances would you not get a PH drop when injecting CO2? I ask this after having been told the following... "You can add CO2 to the point of saturation. After that it's just carbonic acid. If you stop before the carbonic acid...
  7. Bishop

    Ph Drop Noob Question

    Recently found out I was using co2 ph/kh chart all wrong. My gear decided to all break at once so now I am back up and running i've tried to sort my co2 understanding out once and for all but I can't seem to find direct answers. My tank before co2 injection reads on average 6.85ph. My Ph Drop...