
  1. C

    Nitrates And Co2 Booster?

    Hi all. So in my 10 gallon I have mostly slow growing plants with 2 new med to faster growing plants added within the last 2 weeks (floating water sprite, bacopa I'm floating). everything else is pretty slow growth plants. My nitrates have been higher recently, around 20-40 ppm, usually...
  2. E

    Are All Nitrates Created Equal?

    Do plants thrive on all sources of "nitrate"? If my nitrate levels begin to get elevated (i.e. 10ppm) but the only sources of nitrates are soil, fish poop and decaying fish food.......are these sources acceptable for plant use? Im assuming, nitrate = nitrate, regardless of the source, but...
  3. A

    Nitrates Struggle

    Guys, I have this problem I have been battling for several weeks now and I cannot wrap my head around it. I keep dosing >50 mg/L weekly total (in 7 doses, each day) and my nitrates are always <2 mg/L. Yes, I am shaking the test vial really well. I don't think the test is wrong either since, I...
  4. S

    Do aquatic plants reduce nitrates?

    I ask because I thought they do but my planted Biocube 14 constantly has high levels of nitrates (25-100). I'd say my BC is moderately planted with crypt windtii, dwarf sag, rotala indica, some water wisteria, an anubia frazeri, and some hygrophilia augustifolia. I have 4 neon tetras, 4 red...
  5. J

    EI Nitrates

    Hi All Just started on EI after reading all the good stuff. 60x30x36cm tank with CO2 and 1/2 filled with buces. I travel 1week to 10days at a go and so was initially looking at a weekly low light dose. Initially plagued with GSA and looking at EI to solve PH 6.4-5.5 during 7hr...