
  1. L

    Bizarre Ludwigia Repens problem!

    My tank is 75 gallons, 48x18 inches, about 2 years old. Fully planted with co2 (lime green), two 48" Fluval Plant 3.0 LED, running all colors at about 60-75% intensity. Fertilizer is all-in-one liquid, with liquid iron supplement. At the beginning, the strongest and fastest growing plant was...
  2. MoreliaViridis

    Melting Tissue Cultured Plants - Go Emersed?

    I swear by tissue cultures normally but I am having continuous failure in my 29 gallons. After planting them shortly they start turning brown and mushy from the root end and eventually melt completely. I have heard they are especially weak to ammonia spikes from soil and my soil is indeed...
  3. D

    Monte Carlo Patches W/ Leaves Turning Translucent And Melting Towards The Substrate

    Heya all, long time forum lurker here. Most of the things that I've done in my tank have come from information that I've learned here. I thought I'll jump in and join the community finally and engage :). Would really appreciate the help. Also please let me know if this is not the right place to...
  4. O

    Monte Carlo Melting, Turning White - Advice Appreciated

    hello. I would really appreciate some help in diagnosing what issue is causing my Monte Carlo carpet to turn white and melt. My tank is approximately 2 months old. initially started as a dry start with tissue culture from bruce plant which weren't that great, then added potted from aquarium...
  5. O

    Hello! Hoping To Get Some Advice On Monte Carlo Melting, Turning White

    hello, I'm having an issue with Monte Carlo melting and turning white. it wouldn't let me put the details in this post saying its spam but I posted everything in a comment below.
  6. A

    Help!!! Plants Melting And Algae Growing!

    A quick overiew... I have a 20 gallon high tank that is fully cycled and is stocked with corys, tetras and apistogrammas. I recently changed the substrate to sand (from course gravel) and am trying to go the planted route. Currently there are java ferns, anubias, a small and a large amazon...
  7. C

    Tissue Culture And Melting Issues

    I have three tanks with carpeted HC which do nicely but every time I try to expand the carpet and add more I seem to have problems. I’ve purchased Tissue Culture HC nearly a dozen times with little success, I usually have to purchase potted which doesn’t have the extreme burst of growth like...
  8. Ian Chan

    New Tank. Plants Melting. Please Advise

    Hi everybody, I'm new here on this site but I have spent some time reading through the beginner threads and I really appreciate the expert level advice that many members, including Tom Barr himself, provides. Right now, I really need help as most of my new plants are melting. I feel as though...
  9. Ian Chan

    Hi I'm New. Help Please

    Hi everybody, I'm new here on this site but I have spent some time reading through the beginner threads and I really appreciate the expert level advice that many members, including Tom Barr himself, provides. Right now, I really need your help as most of my new plants are melting...