high light

  1. L

    How Much Is High Light And How Increase Dosage

    Hi everyone, I’m in the situation that I have a diy led light 8000lumens 6500k plus 10w full spectrum led and I dose the EI standard dose calculated via rotala butterfly website but I noticed some deficiency and when I tested the water I found out that I have N 2.5 P0.25 and unknown K , Fe 0 co2...
  2. S

    Howdy From Montana!

    1st lesson, 1965 on MN ranch, 1 gal. bowl doing well until we drove to KS for Xmas. Returned a week later, found dead fantail goldfish in middle of bowl. Hired man saved time, dumped all fish food at once. 2nd: 1978 Gladstone, ND. 20L, brown tap water from coal seam smell of petrol, UG filter...
  3. E

    When using LEDs, what constitutes "high light" level?

    Newbie question here ... (NOTE: site admins - sorry for the double-post ... I also posted this in the "new to plants" thread ... hope that's OK ... this is my first post) I'm following Tom's guidelines and doing my homework, but before choosing a method I want to follow it is clear I need to...
  4. E

    When using LEDs, what constitutes "high light"?

    Newbie question here ... I'm following Tom's guidelines and doing my homework, but before choosing a method I want to follow it is clear I need to understand how much lighting I am really working with. There is a TON of data when dealing with fluorescent fixtures or metal halides, but I'm...
  5. Alisma Gramineum

    Alisma Gramineum

    The leaves and tiny purple-tinted white flowers may be submersed or not. When the flowers grow underwater they are cleistogamous, meaning they stay closed and self-pollinate. When the flowers grow above water they open. The leaves above the surface are stiff and wide, but submerged leaves are...