hard water

  1. D

    Sodium And Hard Water

    Hi there, (I am new here, so forgive me if I do something wrong in this blog - happy to get suggestions if/as needed) I would like to share with you my situation. The sodium in my tap water is under the spotlight, togethet with my hard water. Let me introduce my tank first: - 120 liters...
  2. D

    Sodium And Hard Water

    Hi there, (I am new here, so forgive me if I do something wrong in this blog - happy to get suggestions if/as needed) I would like to share with you my situation. The sodium in my tap water is under the spotlight, togethet with my hard water. Let me introduce my tank first: - 120 liters...
  3. I

    Cleaning Glass Hard Water Etching

    I've been cleaning my 110g tank since it's been stored in my basement since 2013 . I've got it all clean except for the center brace , I've used vinegar , Bar Keep ,scrub pad and wet-dry sandpaper and still can't get the etching off ? Any one come across this problem ? Will treating it like a...
  4. T

    Very Very Hard Water

    I have a 75 gallon high tech planted tank. I do ei dosing plus add dtpa iron chelate just before lights turn on and the ph is around 7. Co2 and water flow seem to be sufficient. My tap water after I've aerated it over night is ph 8, gh 37, and kh 33. Crypts and swords seem to do alright but I've...
  5. K

    Looking For Stocking Suggestions; 37 Gallon Tank With Kuhli Loaches. Other Fish Ideas?

    Tank Specs 37 gallon tank (30" L x 16" W x 22" H) TopFin Power 40 Filter (soon to be switched out for a canister instead) Some plants, but will eventually be a fully planted tank. Plants include DHG (might remove as I know it won't carpet without CO2), and unidentified crypts. Hood with built...
  6. R

    I'm Rosalie and I keep Bettas

    Hi - I have a few planted tanks - I started one at work nearly 2 years ago. I'd kept Bettas awhile back, but it was in the 80's so I did some online research, thinking there was a better way than the little bowl I'd used before. Wow! I learned about planted tanks and decided to try the Walstad...