75 gallon

  1. M

    My first 75 gallon - no CO2, soil capped with sand

    FTS as of 10/20/2023: hey everyone! I wanted to post some pics of my new 75 gallon I set up. It's the largest tank I've ever personally owned, but I've been taking care of aquariums for several years now. I will be transferring all the contents of my planted 40 gallon into the new 75. I will...
  2. L

    Another Newbie Needs Help With Dying Plants In 75 Gallon Tank

    Hello all, Thanks for reading this, hopefully some of you will be able to help me out. I have a 75 gallon freshwater tank stock with a bala shark, 9 tetras, 6 danios and 2 albino bristle nose plecos. The tank had been experiencing extremely high nitrate level so I decided to get some plants to...
  3. ProPhotog

    Getting Ready To Setup A 75 Gallon After 30 Years.

    I'm wanting to aquascape it. I've seen a number of scapes that I find quite interesting, but want to make something mine. I want to carpet either dwarf baby tears or monte carlo. I'm looking to add a fair amount of color and texture variegation, so suggestions are welcome. I know this will...
  4. K

    Newish 75 Gallon Planted Co2 Tank Lighting Advice

    Hi, I’m new to the forum; this is my 2nd post. I have been researching a lot here in the last month or so, learning a lot but still timid in cranking up on ferts, light, and co2. I’m trying my best to slowly make adjustments. What I really need most right now is advice on starting points for...
  5. M

    Hello From Eastern Pa

    Hello everyone, I have been long time lurking on the forums. I have a 75 gallon high tech tank, currently keeping German Blue Rams, Rummy Nose tetras, Otos and Synodontis Petricola. I have a wide variety of plants, however I really love the Syngonanthus family. I have been inspired by Tom...