Licorice gouramies in aquascaping

father fish

Junior Poster
Sep 26, 2012
SW Florida - Venice, FL
This group, including chocolate gouramies amd other small lurkers are uniquely appropriate for heavily planted tanks. They are the animals living in the forest for a jungle or forest design. Because they are at least partially air breathers CO2 is not an issue. They can thrive in low oxygen conditions. They are, in large part, dependent upon live food. Rotifers, black worm, microworm, moina, shrimp babies, and more do well in planted tanks with good substrate. I have not seen much discussion of the value of microplankton in a cultivated substrate environment but it seems it would be beneficial.
I have been raising these tiny gouramies as well as killies for years. Providing beautifully aquascaped environments for them is a dream come true.
I am thrilled to have found this site and the common sense approach it facilitates. My approach to fish keeping is long on creating natural environments. I have a medium sized fish store in SW Florida specializing in planted tanks and oddball fish. I am late to this party but will do my best to get up to speed and become a beneficial contributor.


Lifetime Members
Lifetime Member
Mar 25, 2010
Grand Forks, ND
Great to have you here! I'm sure your experience and expertise in fish keeping will be of value and appreciated. I have recently begun keeping some dario dario and moonspot gouramies. Likewise, this led to me keeping some live food, Daphnia magna and brine shrimp. I have tried vinegar eels, but I think they were too small to be of use for adult fish. Is it possible to get some live foods that will survive and reproduce in the tank allowing for more consistent feeding? Is there a concern with sucking them all into the filter? If yes, please share how to accomplish it! Thanks and welcome.


Plant Guru Team
Lifetime Member
Sep 23, 2007
South Florida

Please let us know where you store is located? There are those of us who like driving around FL to find new stores. I may not be far away in Boca...

Welcome to the forum...

father fish

Junior Poster
Sep 26, 2012
SW Florida - Venice, FL
Gerry - I am located in Venice, Fl, not far from you as the gull flies. Addy is 536 E. Venice Ave. I love visitors.

Shadowmac - Most of my feeding of chocs and licorice is microworms, brine shrimp and black worms. I have a pr of licorice spawning every week. Lots of fry. Chocolates are not thriving, typical. The microworms are easy to keep, I use a large covered tray, and they seem to live indefinitely in the tank.


Junior Poster
May 17, 2009
Hi there ,
Parosphronemus sintangensis: I have or had a trio of these in my "Asian river biotope" featured here under advanced aquascaping. Anyway, two females, one male added after the tank was up for about 6 months. I promptly rarely saw them at all, almost never at the same time. NEVER came out to feed, as apparently now I know why. I only feed frozen (baby brine, glass worms, etc.), dry, (crushed pellets, flake). Anyway, I’ve Forrest Gumped my way into having these fish successfully breed in this tank as I have recently seen 5 additional miniature fish in the tank (cute). Problem is now that I don't want another generation in the tank and it's far too intricate design to catch them by net, and they don't eat anything to be trapped. Was wondering what they just couldn't resist that could tear them away from the micro fauna they have adapted to eating!
Thanks for anything....hope to stop in as I'm only 100 mi south of you.